Unless world events and domestic situations shift dramatically, the election of 2008 should prove highly consequential. From one standpoint, 2008, with a Democrat president and Congress, could find their last opportunity to implement policies shoring up the 1960's "Great Society" vision. From the other side, 2008 could prove the last chance for a Republican president and Congress to solidify the ideals of the Reagan Revolution. Either way, 2008 may very well be the apex of the battle between the governing ideologies that have defined the political landscape of the last half century.
All of this to say, The New Manifest Destiny - the realization of American Exceptionalism and the preservation of Western Civilization - will be effected in a major way by the outcome of 2008. Hence, I have decided to offer a candidate examination from the viewpoint of the New Manifest Destiny.
Disclaimer - Readers understand that the New Manifest Destiny promotes small government, free markets, muscular defense, federalism, original intent, and traditional Judeo-Christian values. Hence, the Conservative ideology is typically more in line with the beliefs of the New Manifest Destiny.
Mike Huckabee
Although not a leader in national polls, it is arguable that Gov. Mike

Without a doubt, Huckabee is a very good man. He governed Arkansas very ably, and he has a somewhat Reaganesque ability to inspire people. There has been much talk about Huckabee being a "big government" conservative, overseeing the growth of social programs and the increase in some taxes during his tenure in Arkansas. Huckabee is also hit with being somewhat "soft" on crime-and-punishment issues, issuing more pardons than any governor before him.
As I said, I believe that Huckabee is a very good man. He is full of thoughtfulness, moral character, and is very uplifting (a quality that is valuable and at times underrated for a national leader). I do believe that Huckabee is, generally speaking, a fiscal conservative. The approach to running and funding state government and services is much different than that of the national government. We often forget that Governors must uphold their own state constitutions, many of which call for much more government intervention than the original intent of the national Constitution. While I believe that generally less government is better government, I also believe in rule of law and the principle of federalism. A president Huckabee would no doubt govern in a more fiscally conservative manner than Governor Huckabee.
That being said, The New Manifest Destiny cannot outright endorse Governor Huckabee for the nomination. President Huckabee would be far-and-away better for the national interest than any President Democrat. However, I do not believe that now is the time to trust our national security with a man who has demonstrated a pattern of, for lack of a better description, always believing in the best in his fellow man. Hard-hearted, maybe. I don't mean to be a misanthrope. I believe strongly in the power of the human spirit and the inherent goodness within the human heart, but I also believe in absolute evil, and evil manifest in our world. George W. Bush is a born-again evangelical the same as Huckabee, but with Bush, we also get the cowboy mentality. Many see this as a fault, but when you're facing down an enemy with guns blazing, would you rather have a cowboy, or a counselor? I think we'll take the cowboy every time. I wonder about Mr. Huckabee's willingness to act unilaterally if necessary, or to take the lead in coalition building against Islamic fascism bent on our destruction. Reagan formed a coalition with the Vatican, the Thacher Tories, and the West Germans. This de-legitimized the Soviet System, freed hundreds of millions of people from oppression, and brought down the evil empire. Reagan was a cowboy. Bush formed a coalition with the Brits, the Aussies, and those recently freed peoples of Eastern Europe. Together, the coalition freed tens of millions of people from brutal regimes, planted the seeds of democracy deeper in Middle Eastern soil than ever before, and severely crippled the great enemy of our times. Bush is a cowboy. Huckabee could prove just as muscular in foreign policy, but I have my doubts. And 2008 is no time for doubts.
Mitt Romney
Governor Romney is not a frontrunner in national polls, but has a relatively comfortable lead in

Mr. Romney is a highly accomplished executive, both at the business and bureaucratic levels. As governor of one of the most liberal states in the Union, he managed to uphold generally conservative social principals (at least from the governor's office), and fund the state's overreaching social programs without raising taxes. Romney proves very polished professional, and rehearsed is his personal presentation. Sometimes this has proven an asset. As Huckabee has surged, however, his presentation has presented an authenticity problem with some voters.
Much has been made of Mr. Romney's Mormon religion. Despite stating point blank that he believes "Jesus Christ is my personal savior" (which was what I was taught was the only real prerequisite to being a Christian), the media makes much of his beliefs as an issue. I believe that, while some voters may be put-off by this aspect, the impact it will have on the overall race is very overblown. I think what hurts Governor Romney more are his perceived flip-flops on other socially conservative issues, particularly abortion. In a 1994 bid to unseat Ted Kennedy, Romney ran as a pro-choice Republican. He has since switched his position, and is very in line with the positions of President Bush regarding abortion and stem cell research. While some view his shift in positions as a convenient "flip-flop," I must take the man at his word that he has come to respect the culture of life. Yes, in our cynical, say-anything world of today, genuine conversions of belief do occur. I would remind Republicans that as Governor of California, Ronald Reagan signed the most liberal abortion bill then in the country. I don't think anyone now would question Reagan's commitment to Right to Life by the time he was elected president.
All told, Romney has the presence, executive mindset, and overarching policy philosophy to make a good president. It can be determined from the positions he has taken in this campaign that he would be a strong supporter of free market principles, fiscal responsibility, smaller government, and muscular foreign policy. The only area that is a risk at this point is judicial appointments. However, if Governor Romney's other conservative positions do indeed form a pattern, it is reasonable to assume that his appointments would focus on judges who practice judicial restraint, if not those concerned with strict constructionism.
This is not an endorsement of Governor Romney for the Republican nomination, but is a very positive review of the man based on his record and candidacy to date.
Fred Thompson
Former Senator Fred Thompson has, at least until recently, garnered more excitement for his candidacy prior to actually entering the race. Since

An examination of both the records and policies the Republicans have put forth this season reveals that, in actuality, Thompson is the most consistent with Reagan-style conservatism, the most impressive with new initiatives (such as his restructuring of the federal tax system), and among the strongest on national defense and boarder security. Perhaps more impressive is that Thompson seems, by far, to have the greatest understanding and appreciation of the system of federalism and original intent.
While all of the major GOP candidates receive a basic "thumbs-up" on the position of national defense, Mr. Thompson does not disguise or sugar-coat the threat America and the West face from enemies abroad, and also offers straight talk in regard to the tough, authoritative stance the United States must take to defeat these enemies.
Much has been made that Mr. Thompson's two terms in the Senate are void of significant accomplishment. It is obvious from the Senator's record that he acted directly when he thought it necessary, but it is also obvious that he believed government was often too intrusive. As many political humorists have noted, it is much better to have a government that does too little than does too much. Mr. Thompson's understanding of and belief in limited government and federalism are apparent and consistent.
On the big issues - national security, economic prosperity, free markets, and judicial appointments, Senator Thompson scores an "A." While we recognize many good men in the race for president, and believe any of the GOP would be a far better option than what is offered by the other side, The Manifest throws support behind Fred Thompson at this time.
John McCain
Senator John McCain is a certified war hero, and a great American patriot. As a Senator, he is one of the most respected individuals in government today. His bipartisan appeal is attractive

Senator McCain may indeed be the most "electable" candidate if you use the pundit's scale. His strong and unwaivering support of the military and muscular foreign policy, particularly toward Iran, wins support and is his strongest point. However, I am not convinced the Senator has the philosophical grounding to stay true to free market principles of free trade and low taxes. Additionally, I'm not sure his Supreme Court picks would produce another Roberts or Alito. They very well could, but could also produce another David Souter.
All told, Senator John McCain is a great American and a great patriot. I trust him running the Pentagon, but not the nation. McCain seems more the heir to George H. W. Bush and the "Rockfeller Republicans" than to the Reagan Revolution.
Rudy Giuliani
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani would be the ideal Republican candidate save for a

Giuliani has many, many strengths which fall in line with conservative causes:
- Nation Security: Rudy has always been a law-and-order guy. And you don't have the city you love attacked by Islamic fascists and it not leave a scar. As relentlessly as George W. Bush has attacked terrorist organizations across the globe, Giuliani would likely be even more aggressive. A bit more charismatic than Bush, Giuliani would likely have the Reaganesque quality of taking his case straight to the people.
- Rule of Law: Giuliani's entire career has been based around law and order, from prosecutor to Mayor.
- Leadership: No one would argue his ability to be an effective executive.
- Free Markets: Rudy is a tax-cutter, and a free-trade guy. He supports economic policies which shrink government, hold down the tax burden, and spur development.
All red-meat conservative issues. But then come the liabilities:
- Social Issues: First and foremost, for all his great points, Giuliani is pro-choice, and doesn't oppose gay marriage. He has stated his personal beliefs will not get in the way of his execution of the office. I'm willing to take the man at his word, but when it comes to appointment of judges, it is tough sell on faith alone.
- Gun Rights: I think this is an overblown liability. Yes, strict gun laws in NYC. But as he's said, NYC is not the rest of America. As previously stated, as a Mayor (or governor), you're acting in the best interest of your city/state. As president, you act in the best interest of the Constitution.
- Personal Issues: I don't want to go into this. The man's private life is private, but a liability nonetheless.
Giuliani is a great leader, and a great patriot. He is a true fiscal conservative, and would implement an aggressive, muscular foreign policy. Some of his liabilities are genuine, some should not be as much of a consideration as they are. Overall, I'm not sure the Mayor has the understanding of conservative philosophy, original intent, or Federalism to the level of a Fred Thompson. Giuliani would make a good president, although not the best among those in this year's field.
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